« We are a non-profit supporting transformative technological creation and research for the benefit of the long-term future. »
LAB Gallery creates NFT collections curated by scientists. It’s a new, meaningful type of NFT gallery profitable to all its stakeholders (collectors, artists, and scientists). All the sales are redistributed to fund programs of research, support artists’ work, and build a direct dialogue between art and science.
Collect them and support cross-disciplinary science research programs in:
- Molecular machine nanotechnology for building better materials
- Biotechnology for health extension
- Computer science and cryptocommerce for intelligent global cooperation
We are the world’s first purpose-driven digital art gallery – merging art and science to fund and accelerate progress in transformative science and tech for the long-term flourishing of life.
At a unique intersection of science and art, LAB Gallery creates NFT collections curated by scientists to fund scientific research and support artists’ grand visions of the future – offering collectors the opportunity to make a philanthropic impact while collecting art.
Visit our gallery for a fast-forward dip into flourishing futures: an eye-opening journey through the ground-breaking innovations built by the visionary thinkers we support.
The future is not a given; not something to be predicted. The future is a decision, something to be imagined. This is why Foresight Institute has created LAB Gallery, A digital art gallery where artists and technologists join forces to share visions of better futures powered by breakthrough innovations.
LAB GALLERY is powered by The Foresight Institute, a nonprofit founded on a vision of the future of technology described in 1986 by K Eric Drexler in Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology. The ENGINES OF CREATION are nanotechnologies, which will give us thorough and inexpensive control of the structure of matter. ENGINES OF CREATION examines the enormous implications of these developments for medicine, the economy, and the environment, and makes projections for the future. Foresight’s mission and activities have evolved from this founding vision focused on Nanotechnology, to include research on other technologies of fundamental importance for the future of humanity.
